Rice planting @ Inabuchi
Inabuchi area is one of top 100 Terraced Paddy fields in Japan, which attracts many people. The paddy fields at the slope along the mountain are very narrow which makes it difficult for farmers to use heavy equipment. Therefore, there are quite a few rice paddies that have been abandoned and no longer cultivated.
In order to preserve the beautiful landscape at Inabuchi, the local government and nonprofit organizations have been striving to maintain the paddy fields. Since this year, the Regional Development Office has also joined the activities which accelerate the landscape conservation around the area.
Recently, machinery planting has become more common, although there are still farmers here who transplant seedlings by hand. Their fields are chemical free, filled with clean streams of the Asuka River. You can go in even with bearfoot. Slowly you get inside of the paddy fields and try rice-planting one by one. The planting carefully takes place with lots of joy.
It is quite hard work but brings a great atmosphere among people working together. We coordinate the rice-planting program at YANT. Please make an inquiry if you want to try!